Forster Optik II
A two storey shop with display area and counter on ground floor, and workshop, fitting room for contact lenses, eyesight and audiometric examination rooms on first floor.
The ground floor façade is made of enamelled glass, on the first floor it is covered with perforated aluminium panels that show the shop logo.
The frames are displayed on carefully presented illuminated racks made from opaque acrylic and separated from each other by narrow strips of Alcantara. The surface above and below the rack is also clad in Alcantara. The wall in front of the stairs again features the shop logo this time in the form of an eyesight test.
Location Wieselburg, Lower Austria
Client Forster Optik
Planning Architekten Frank und Erschen
Staff DI Christoph Haas
Constr. Period June 2005 - Sept. 2005
Area 230 m2